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Intro: Docker and Kubernetes training - Day 3

Christian Posta



Principal Middleware Architect


Twitter: @christianposta


  • Committer on Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, Fabric8

  • Technology evangelist, recovering consultant

  • Spent a lot of time working with one of the largest Microservices, web-scale, unicorn companies

  • Frequent blogger and speaker about open-source, cloud, microservices


  • Intro / Prep Environments

  • Day 1: Docker Deep Dive

  • Day 2: Kubernetes Deep Dive

  • Day 3: Advanced Kubernetes: Concepts, Management, Middleware

  • Day 4: Advanced Kubernetes: CI/CD, open discussions


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Quick Recap

Recap Docker

  • Containers run on single Docker host

  • Containers are ephemeral

  • Nothing watchdogs the containers

  • Containers can have external persistence

  • Containers do not contain

  • Operating system matters

What is Kubernetes

  • Smart placement

  • How to interact with a system that does placement

  • Different than configuration management

  • Containers will fail

  • Scaling

Why is it important

  • Managing containers by hand is harder that VMS: won’t scale

  • Automate the boilerplate stuff

  • Runbooks → Scripts → Config management → Scale

  • Decouple application from machine!

  • Applications run on "resources"

  • Kubernetes manages this interaction of applications and resources

  • Manage applications, not machines!

  • What about legacy apps?

Reconciliation of end state


Kubernetes core concepts

  • Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity

  • Pods

  • Labels / Selectors

  • Replication Controllers

  • Services

  • API

Why you win with Docker and Kubernetes

  • Immutable infrastructure

  • DevOps

  • CI/CD

  • Who cares: give me a platform to move faster!!!


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Kubernetes: Deeper Dive

Kubernetes namespaces

  • Divide cluster across uses, tiers, and teams

  • Unique within a namespace; not across multiple namespaces

  • Very powerful when combined with Labels

  • Example: qa/dev/prod can be implemented with Namespaces

Kubernetes namespaces

List the namespaces available to the cluster

kubectl get namespaces

List all the pods across all the namespaces

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Let’s create a new namespace for our guestbook application:

curl -s -L | kubectl create -f -

Let’s list the pods in the guestbook namespace, hint: there shouldn’t be any at the moment:

kubectl get pods --namespace=guestbook

Kubernetes Contexts / Namespaces

You can log into multiple kubernetes clusters with the same client and switch between clusters/contexts at the command line. You can also specify which namespaces to use when pointing to specific clusters. For example, to view the current cluster context:

kubectl config view

Sample output:

  - context:
      cluster: master-fuse-osecloud-com:8443
      namespace: microservice
      user: admin/master-fuse-osecloud-com:8443
    name: microservice/master-fuse-osecloud-com:8443/admin
  - context:
      cluster: vagrant
      user: vagrant
    name: vagrant
  current-context: vagrant
  kind: Config
  preferences: {}
  - name: admin/master-fuse-osecloud-com:8443
      token: kZ_L5Oj5sJ8nJUVJD4quq813Q1pRv4yZWhOjuJEw79w
  - name: vagrant
      client-certificate-data: REDACTED
      client-key-data: REDACTED
      password: vagrant
      username: vagrant

Setting and using context/namespaces

We can create a new context that points to our vagrant cluster:

kubectl config set-context guestbook --namespace=guestbook --user=vagrant --cluster=vagrant

Now, let’s switch to use that context so we can put any new pods/RCs into this new namespace:

kubectl config  use-context guestbook

Now double check we’re in the new context/namespace:

kubectl config view | grep current-context | awk '{print $2}'

Now let’s deploy a replication controller

curl -s -L | kubectl create -f -

Now let’s see how many pods we have:

kubectl get pods
frontend-juz6j   0/1       Pending   0          5s

Removing components

We have two good ways to group components for development purposes and then clean them up when you want to start over.

  • Use Kubernetes labels

  • Use namespaces

You can delete all resources in a namespace like this:

kubectl config use-context vagrant
kubectl delete namespace guestbook

This approach works fine for local development and grouping. In shared environments the best approach is to properly lable your components (services, RCs, pods, etc) and delete them using labels:

kubectl delete all -l "label=value"

Not all objects in a namespace

  • Most objects are in a namespace

    • pods

    • replication controllers

    • services

  • Namespaces themselves not in namespace

  • Nodes, PersistentVolumes

Resource Quotas

If the API Server has ResourceQuota passed to the kube-apiserver's --admission_control argument, then a namespace can set a ResourceQuota object to limit resources.

Example from the vagrant/master:

root      6055  0.0  0.0   3172    48 ?        Ss   00:04   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/kube-apiserver --address= --etcd_servers= --cloud_provider=vagrant  --runtime_config=api/v1 --admission_control=NamespaceLifecycle,NamespaceExists,LimitRanger,SecurityContextDeny,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota --service-cluster-ip-range= --client_ca_file=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt --basic_auth_file=/srv/kubernetes/basic_auth.csv  --cluster_name=kubernetes --tls_cert_file=/srv/kubernetes/server.cert --tls_private_key_file=/srv/kubernetes/server.key --secure_port=443 --token_auth_file=/srv/kubernetes/known_tokens.csv --bind-address= --v=2   --allow_privileged=False 1>>/var/log/kube-apiserver.log 2>&1

Resource Quotas

  • Pods must use Resource Limits or will fail to accept the Pod (can use a LimitRange to add default limits)

  • Admin creates a ResourceQuota for the namespace

  • If a Pod would cause the Resource Limits to breach, the pod is rejected

  • If the aggregate Resource Limits are set higher than actual available resources, first-come first-serve

Use labels… for Nodes too!

You can organize your Nodes based on classifications/tiers/resource types. For example, for some data-intensive applications you may wish to request that the scheduler put those pods on nodes that have SSD storage/PV support:

kubectl label nodes node-foo disktype=ssd

Now if you add a node selector section to your Pod, the pod will only end up on nodes with the disktype=ssd label

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    env: test
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    disktype: ssd


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Kubernetes: Security

Security Goals

  • Appropriate boundaries between cluster, pods, users who manage cluster/application developers

  • Appropriate boundaries enforced between containers and hosts (via docker/linux cap/selinux/apparmor/etc)

  • Ability to delegate administrative functions to users where it makes sense

  • Hide credentials/keys/passwords from others

Security Roles

  • Administration/Full authority

  • Project/namespace admin

  • Developer

Securing the API Server

  • --client_ca_file — used to allow authentication via client certificates

  • --token_auth_file — allow authentication via tokens; tokens are long-lived and cannot be refreshed (atm)

  • --basic_auth_file — HTTP basic httpswd file

Attribute based access control (ABAC)

The four attributes that apply to authorization measures:

  • The user (as authenticated already)

  • Read only/Write — GET commands are readonly

  • The resource in question (pod/RC/service,etc)

  • The namespace

Specify policies

Specifying policies: when starting the API server, pass a single-line JSON file to --authorization_policy_file

  • {"user":"ceposta"}

  • {"user":"ceposta", "resource": "pods", "readonly": true}

  • {"user":"ceposta", "resource": "events"}

  • {"user":"ceposta", "resource": "pods", "readonly": true, "ns": "projectBalvenie"}

This file is only reloaded when restarting API server

Service Accounts intro

Service accounts vs User accounts

  • User accounts for humans; service accounts for services w/in Pods

  • Service accounts are "namespaced"

  • Service account creation is much simpler/lightweight vs User creation

  • Allow services to access the Kubernetes API

Service Accounts Admission

Acts as part of the API server, decorates pods with Service Account information:

  • Will assign default Service Account if one not specified

  • Will reject a Service Account if it specified and does not exist

  • Add ImagePullSecrets (for private repos)

  • Adds volume for token-based API access (secret)

  • Runs synchronously when pods are created


  • Image secrets

  • Secret Volumes

  • Service accounts actually use secrets to pass API tokens

  • Can pass sensitive data

    • passwords

    • keys

    • certificates

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  password: dmFsdWUtMg0K
  username: dmFsdWUtMQ0K
Secret "keys" in the map above, must follow DNS subdomain naming convention. The values are base64 encoded

Pod using a secret

  apiVersion: "v1"
  kind: "Pod"
    name: "mypod"
    namespace: "myns"
        name: "mypod"
        image: "redis"
            name: "foo"
            mountPath: "/etc/foo"
            readOnly: true
        name: "foo"
          secretName: "mysecret"


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Kubernetes Networking

Docker networking

  • local, host-only bridge (docker0)

  • create new adapters to the bridge (veth) for each container that’s created

  • veth is mapped to eth0 on a container

  • eth0 is assigned an IP from the range dedicated to the virtual bridge

  • result: docker containers can talk to each other only on the same machine

  • containers on different hosts could have the exact same IP

  • in order for docker containers to communicate across hosts, they need to allocate ports on the host

  • this means containers must coordinate appropriately, etc or allocate dynamically (and know when not to run out of ports)

  • this is difficult to do, doesn’t scale very well

  • dynamic port allocation tricky — now each app MUST take a “port” parameter and configured at runtime

Quickly understand default docker networking


Kubernetes networking

  • all pods can communicate with other pods w/out any NAT

  • all nodes can communicate with pods without NAT

  • the IP the pod sees is the same IP seen outside of the pod

  • cannot take docker hosts out of the box and expect kube to work

  • this is a simpler model

    • reduces friction when coming from VM environments where this is more or less true

Pod to Pod, Pod to external

  • Flat networking space

  • So the transition is consistent VM→Pod

  • No additional container or application gymnastics /NAT/etc to have to go through each time you deploy

  • Pods have their own “port space” independent of other pods

  • Don’t need to explicitly create “docker links” between containers (would only work on a single node anyway)

  • Otherwise, dynamic allocation of ports on Host every time a pod needs a port gets very complicated for orchestration and scheduling

    • exhaustion of ports

    • reuse of ports

    • tricky app config

    • watching/cache invalidation

    • redirection, etc

    • conflicts

    • NAT breaks self-registration mechanisms, etc

Pods have single IP address for all containers

  • IP address visible inside and outside of the container

  • Self-registration works fine as you would expect as does DNS

  • Implemented as a “pod container” which holds the network namespace (net) and “app containers” which join with Docker’s —net=container:<id>

  • In docker world, the IP inside the container is NOT what an entity outside of the container sees, even in another container

Container to Container w/ Pod

  • All containers behave as though they’re on a single host, i.e., they see the same ports and network. they can communicate with each other over localhost

  • Simplicity (well known ports, 80, 22, etc)

  • Security (ports bound on localhost are only visible within the pod/containers, never outside)

  • Performance (don’t have to take network stack penalties, marshaling, unmarhsaling, etc)

  • Very similar to running multiple processes in a VM host for example

  • Drawback: no container-local ports, could clash, etc. but these are minor inconveniences at the moment and workarounds are being implemented

  • However, pods come with the premise of shared resources (volumes, CPU, memory, etc) so a reduction in isolation is really expected. If you need isolation, use Pods not containers to achieve this.

Pod to service

  • Service IPs are VIP

  • kube-proxy alters iptables on the node to trap service IPs and redirect them to the correct backends

  • Simple, hi-performance, HA solution

External to Pod

  • This gets tricky

  • Need to set up external load balancer to fwd all service IPs and load balance against all nodes

  • The kube-proxy should trap that IP and send it to service?

  • Expose services directly to node hosts? —> suitable for poc type workloads, but not suitable for real prod workloads


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Live Demo


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Cluster AddOns

Cluster DNS

  • AddOns implemented as Services and Repliction Controllers

  • Sky DNS used to implement DNS-addon

  • A pod that bridges between kubernetes services and DNS


Cluster DNS

  • A kubernetes service that is the DNS provider (ie, has an vIP, etc)

  • Kublet configured to decorate the pods with correct DNS server

    • Can configure the kubelet manually if not automatically set up:

--cluster_dns=<DNS service ip>
--cluster_domain=<default local domain>
  • A records are created for services in the form svc-name.ns-name.svc.cluster.local

  • Headless service (no clusterIP) are DNS round-robin

  • SRV records (discovering services and ports)

    • resolves to the hostname and the port

Cluster logging with Elasticsearch and fluentd

  • Log collector on each node

  • Implemented with fluentd, as a pod

  • Watches all containers' logs on that node and pump them to Elastic search cluster

  • Elasticsearch can be queried via Kibana

Elasticsearch and fluentd


Elasticsearch and fluentd Demo

Quick Demo?

Container level monitoring

Container level monitoring


cAdvisor UI







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Cluster High Availability

High Availability


High Availability components

  • HA master nodes

  • etcd datastore

  • Replicated, load-balanced, API server

  • Elected scheduler and controllers


  • Open source project started at CoreOS

  • Distributed database

  • CAP Theorem? == CP

  • Raft algorithm/protocol

  • watchable

  • etcd provides HA datastore


High Availability components

  • Run kubelet on the masters to monitor that API server process and restart on failure

    • systemctl enable kubelet and systemctl enable docker.

  • Replicated etcd

  • Run shared storage locations for each of the etcd nodes

  • Network loadbalancers over the API servers

  • Run podmaster which coordinates a lease-lock election using etcd


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Updating applications - Releasing updates

Release Types

  • Canary release

  • Blue/green deployment

  • A/B testing

  • Rolling upgrade/rollback

Canary Release


Canary Release with Kubernetes


App to deploy:

        app: guestbook
        tier: frontend
        track: canary

Existing set of apps:

        app: guestbook
        tier: frontend
        track: stable

Service selector

     app: guestbook
     tier: frontend

Blue/Green deployment


Blue/Green deployment


Blue/Green deployment with Kubernetes

  • Have two separate replication controllers, one blue, one green

  • Have labels "color=green", "color=blue"

  • Service selector = "color=green"

  • Change selector to "color=blue" to switch

  • Can switch back

A/B Testing


Rolling update

  • Bring up a container with the new version, same fleet of containers

  • Bring down one of the old version

  • Bring up a second container with the new version

  • Repeat

  • To be aware: potentially scaling while doing Rolling Updates

Rolling update: how to

  • Use replication controllers to control the number of replicas at a given step

  • Use `kubectl rolling-update

  • Replaces an old RC with a new RC

  • Must be in same namespace

  • Share at least one label name, different value


kubectl rolling-update frontend-v1 -f frontend-v2.json

Rolling update: how to Recovery

  • What happens if a failure is introduced part-way through the Rolling update:

  • Kubernetes keeps track and annotates the RC with info:


    • the number that this replica controller needs to get to


    • Who’s the other half of the replica-set

  • Recovery is achieved by running the same command again

Rolling update: how to Recovery

  • While size of foo-next < desired-replicas annotation on foo-next

    • increase size of foo-next

    • if size of foo > 0 decrease size of foo

  • Goto Rename

Rolling update: how to



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Automating generation of kubernetes resources for Java

Docker maven plugin

  • Set of maven goals for managing docker builds and containers

  • Can be run as part of a CI/build step in your existing build or CI pipelines

  • Requires access to a Docker Daemon for builds

  • Can build images, start/stop containers, etc


Docker maven plugin

  • docker:start Create and start containers

  • docker:stop Stop and destroy containers

  • docker:build Build images

  • docker:watch Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts

  • docker:push Push images to a registry

  • docker:remove Remove images from local docker host

  • docker:logs Show container logs

Docker maven plugin: build

  • mvn package docker:build

  • Can build a docker image as part of mvn lifecycle

  • Package files from project (build artifacts, configs, etc) into docker image

  • Which files are selected using maven-assembly-plugin

  • Selected files are inserted into base image at specified location

  • default /maven

  • See the assembly descriptor file format

  • Once image is built, can use maven-failsafe-plugin to run integration tests

Docker maven plugin: build


            <shell>java -jar /maven/service.jar</shell>


          <log>database system is ready to accept connections</log>

Docker maven plugin: watch

  • Can watch for changes in project and rebuild

  • Rebuild docker image

  • Re-start existing running container

  • Fast development feedback/loop

  • mvn package docker:build docker:watch -Ddocker.watchMode=build

  • mvn docker:start docker:watch -Ddocker.watchMode=run *

Docker maven plugin: watch

   <!-- Check every 10 seconds by default -->
   <!-- Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts -->
         <!-- Service checks every 5 seconds -->
         <!-- Database needs no watching -->

Fabric8 maven plugin

  • fabric8:json

  • fabric8:apply

  • fabric8:rolling

  • fabric8:devops

  • fabric8:create-routes

  • fabric8:recreate

Fabric8 maven plugin: json

  • Generates kubernetes.json file based on Maven settings

    • Can generate ReplicationController/Services/Pods

  • Attaches kubernetes.json and versions as part of the build

    • Will be included in the artifacts uploaded to artifact repo


  • Hand-generate your own file and let mvn coordinates be applied

  • Use default mvn properties and let fabric8:json generate the json file

  • Use annnotation processors and typesafe DSL builders directly

  • Enrich the generated JSON with additional stuff

Fabric8 maven plugin: json


Fabric8 maven plugin: json

  • docker.image Used by the docker-maven-plugin to define the output docker image name.

  • fabric8.combineDependencies If enabled then the maven dependencies will be scanned for any dependency of <classifier>kubernetes</classifier> and <type>json</type> which are then combined into the resulting generated JSON file. See Combining JSON files

  • The docker container name of the application in the generated JSON. This defaults to ${project.artifactId}-container

  • fabric8.containerPrivileged Whether the generated container should be run in priviledged mode (defaults to false)

  • fabric8.env.FOO = BAR Defines the environment variable FOO and value BAR.

  • fabric8.extra.json Allows an extra JSON file to be merged into the generated kubernetes json file. Defaults to using the file target/classes/kubernetes-extra.json.

  • fabric8.generateJson If set to false then the generation of the JSON is disabled.

  • fabric8.iconRef Provides the resource name of the icon to use; found using the current classpath (including the ones shipped inside the maven plugin). For example icons/myicon.svg to find the icon in the src/main/resources/icons directorty. You can refer to a common set of icons by setting this option to a value of: activemq, camel, java, jetty, karaf, mule, spring-boot, tomcat, tomee, weld, wildfly

  • fabric8.iconUrl The URL to use to link to the icon in the generated Template.

  • fabric8.iconUrlPrefix The URL prefix added to the relative path of the icon file

Fabric8 maven plugin: json

  • fabric8.iconBranch The SCM branch used when creating a URL to the icon file. The default value is master.

  • fabric8.imagePullPolicy Specifies the image pull policy; one of Always, Never or IfNotPresent, . Defaults to Always if the project version ends with SNAPSHOT otherwise it is left blank. On newer OpenShift / Kubernetes versions a blank value implies IfNotPresent

  • fabric8.imagePullPolicySnapshot Specifies the image pull policy used by default for SNAPSHOT maven versions.

  • fabric8.includeAllEnvironmentVariables Should the environment variable JSON Schema files, generate by the fabric-apt API plugin be discovered and included in the generated kuberentes JSON file. Defaults to true.

  • fabric8.includeNamespaceEnvVar Whether we should include the namespace in the containers' env vars. Defaults to true

  • fabric8.label.FOO = BAR Defines the kubernetes label FOO and value BAR.

  • fabric8.livenessProbe.exec Creates a exec action liveness probe with this command.

  • fabric8.livenessProbe.httpGet.path Creates a HTTP GET action liveness probe on with this path.

  • fabric8.livenessProbe.httpGet.port Creates a HTTP GET action liveness probe on this port.

  • Creates a HTTP GET action liveness probe on this host.

  • fabric8.livenessProbe.port Creates a TCP socket action liveness probe on specified port.

  • fabric8.namespaceEnvVar The name of the env var to add that will contain the namespace at container runtime. Defaults to KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE.

Fabric8 maven plugin: json

  • `fabric8.parameter.FOO.descriptio`n Defines the description of the OpenShift template parameter FOO.

  • fabric8.parameter.FOO.value Defines the value of the OpenShift template parameter FOO.

  • fabric8.port.container.FOO = 1234 Declares that the pod’s container has a port named FOO with a container port 1234.

  • = 4567 Declares that the pod’s container has a port port named FOO which is mapped to host port 4567.

  • fabric8.provider The provider name to include in resource labels (defaults to fabric8).

  • fabric8.readinessProbe.exec Creates a exec action readiness probe with this command.

  • fabric8.readinessProbe.httpGet.path Creates a HTTP GET action readiness probe on with this path.

  • fabric8.readinessProbe.httpGet.port Creates a HTTP GET action readiness probe on this port.

  • Creates a HTTP GET action readiness probe on this host.

  • fabric8.readinessProbe.port Creates a TCP socket action readiness probe on specified port.

  • fabric8.replicas The number of pods to create for the Replication Controller if the plugin is generating the App JSON file.

  • The name of the replication controller used in the generated JSON. This defaults to ${project.artifactId}-controller

Fabric8 maven plugin: json

  • fabric8.serviceAccount The name of the service account to use in this pod (defaults to none)

  • The name of the Service to generate. Defaults to ${project.artifactId} (the artifact Id of the project)

  • fabric8.service.port The port of the Service to generate (if a kubernetes service is required).

  • fabric8.service.type The type of the service. Set to "LoadBalancer" if you wish an external load balancer to be created.

  • fabric8.service.containerPort The container port of the Service to generate (if a kubernetes service is required).

  • fabric8.service.protocol The protocol of the service. (If not specified then kubernetes will default it to TCP).

  • fabric8.service.port.<portName> The service port to generate (if a kubernetes service is required with multiple ports).

  • fabric8.service.containerPort.<portName> The container port to target to generate (if a kubernetes service is required with multiple ports).

  • fabric8.service.protocol.<portName> The protocol of this service port to generate (if a kubernetes service is required with multiple ports).

  • fabric8.volume.FOO.emptyDir = somemedium Defines the emtpy volume with name FOO and medium somemedium.

  • fabric8.volume.FOO.hostPath = /some/path Defines the host dir volume with name FOO.

  • fabric8.volume.FOO.mountPath = /some/path Defines the volume mount with name FOO.

  • fabric8.volume.FOO.readOnly Specifies whether or not a volume is read only.

  • fabric8.volume.FOO.secret = BAR Defines the secret name to be BAR for the FOO volume.

Fabric8 maven plugin: apply

  • Takes the kubernetes.json from fabric8:json and "applies" it to kubernetes

  • Synonymous with kubectl create -f <resource

  • Can be applied part of mvn build/mvn lifecycle

  • Just configure these environment variables KUBERNETES_MASTER - the location of the kubernetes master KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE - the default namespace used on operations

Fabric8 maven plugin: apply

mvn fabric8:apply -Dfabric8.recreate=true \ -Dfabric8.namespace=cheese
  • fabric8.apply.create Should we create new resources (not in the kubernetes namespace). Defaults to true.

  • fabric8.apply.servicesOnly Should only services be processed. This lets you run 2 builds, process the services only first; then process non-services. Defaults to false.

  • fabric8.apply.ignoreServices Ignore any services in the JSON. This is useful if you wish to recreate all the ReplicationControllers and Pods but not recreate Services (which can cause PortalIP addresses to change for services which can break some Pods and could cause problems for load balancers. Defaults to false.

  • fabric8.apply.createRoutes If there is a route domain (see fabric8.domain) then this option will create an OpenShift Route for each service for the host expressio: ${servicename}.${fabric8.domain}. Defaults to true.

  • fabric8.domain The domain to expose the services as OpenShift Routes. Defaults to $KUBERNETES_DOMAIN.

  • fabric8.namespace Specifies the namespace (or OpenShift project name) to apply the kubernetes resources to. If not specified it will use the

CI/CD demo

Demo time!!

